Newspaper Articles
Reminder: Pay attention to italics and capitalization. In your reference list, every line after the first line should be indented.
Reminder: If the publication date is unknown, use n.d. in place of the publication date. This stands for 'no date'.
Online or Database Newspaper Articles:
Reference Format and Example
Last Name, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle if available. Title of Newspaper in Italics, page range if known. URL of newspaper homepage.
Cathars, S. (2011, January 2). OWS invaded by music, food, homeless. The New York Times, pp. 1, 6.
- If a page range is continuous (no break between the pages) write it as 1-6.
- If there is a break or gap, include a comma as shown in the above example.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name Year).
(Cathars, 2011).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Cathars (2011)
Print Newspaper Articles:
Reference Format and Example
Last Name, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle if available. Title of Newspaper in italics, page range.
Deshai, I. (2011, November 26). What would Gandhi do? Cleveland Plain Dealer, pp. B1, B3.
- If a page range is continuous (no break between the pages) write it as 1-6.
- If there is a break or gap, include a comma as shown in the example above.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Deshai, 2011).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Deshai (2011)
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