Print Book(s), Editions Beyond the First, Edited Print Books, Chapters, etc.
Reminder: Pay attention to italics and capitalization. In your reference list, every line after the first line should be indented..
Print Books:
Reference Format and Example
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book in italics. Publisher Name.
Joplin, W. (2010). One last hug before I go. Pinnacle Books.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Joplin, 2010).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Joplin (2010)
Books After the First Edition:
Reference Format and Example
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book in italics (xx ed.). Publisher Name.
Birkeland, C. (2009). Life and death of the coral reefs (2nd ed.). Springer.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Birkeland, 2009).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Birkeland (2009)
Edited Books:
Reference Format and Example
Note: Most edited books consist of several chapters written by different authors.
Last Name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year).Title of book in italics. Publisher Name.
Garratt, R. B. (Ed.). (1995). Critical essays on Seamus Heaner. Norton.
Note: If a book has multiple editors, use the designation (Eds.) instead of (Ed.)
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Garratt, 1995).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Garratt (1995)
Chapter in Edited Book:
Reference Format and Example
Chapter Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book in italics. (xx ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher Name.
McDiarmid, L. (1995). Heaney and the politics of the classroom. In R. B. Garratt (Ed.), Critical essays on Seamus Heaner (pp. 110-120). Norton.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name of chapter author, Year).
(McDiarmid, 1995).
Narrative citation: Last Name of chapter author (Year)
McDiarmid (1995).
Note: If a book has multiple editors, use the designation (Eds.) instead of (Ed.)
One Volume in a Multi-Volume Set - With Own Title:
Reference Format and Example
Last Name, A. A., & Last Name, L. L. (Year). Title of book in italics: Vol. xx. Title of the volume in italics. Publisher Name.
Leffler, M. P., & Westad, O. A. (Eds.). (2010). The Cambridge history of the Cold War: Vol. 2. Crises and détente. Cambridge University Press.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last name, Year).
(Leffler & Westad, 2010).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Leffler and Westad (2010)
Note: In a parenthetical citation, separate 2 names with an ampersand (&)
Note: In a narrative citation, separate 2 names with the word "and" spelled out.
One Volume in a Multi-Volume Set - Without Own Title:
Reference Format and Example
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book in italics (xx ed., Vol. xx). Publisher Name.
Foote, S. (1986). The civil war: A narrative (Vol. 2). Vintage Books.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Foote, 1986).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Foote (1986)
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