eBooks (besides textbooks) Including Editions After the First
Reminder: Pay attention to italics and capitalization. In your reference list, every line after the first line should be indented (as shown).
eBooks (not AIU textbooks) from Library Database:
Reference Format and Example
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book in italics. Publisher Name.
Patterson, K. (2011). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high. McGraw-Hill.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Patterson, 2011).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Patterson (2011)
Editions After the First Edition:
Reference Format and Example
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book in italics (# ed.). Publisher Name.
Birkeland, C. (2009). Life and death of the coral reefs (2nd ed.). Springer.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Birkeland, 2009).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Birkeland (2009)
eBooks from Websites:
Reference Format and Example
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book in italics. Publisher Name. URL of webpage
Patterson, K. (2011). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high. McGraw-Hill. http://ebookee.org/Crucial-Conversations-Tools-for-Talking-When-Stakes-Are-High_363102.html
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Patterson, 2011).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Patterson (2011)
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