PDF Documents and PowerPoint Presentation Files
Reminder: Pay attention to italics and capitalization. In your reference list, every line, after the first line, should be indented (as shown).
Course PDF Document:
Reference Format and Example
Creator/Author, A. A. (Year). Title of document in italics [Format]. American InterContinental University Virtual Campus, Course Code-Session Number-Section Number. https://mycampus.aiu-online.com
Williams, T. (2015). U.S. history chapter 1 [PDF document]. American InterContinental University Virtual Campus, BUSN105-1501-B-01. https://mycampus.aiu-online.com
Note: Use this same URL for all course docs. It doesn't need to be a URL from the browser window.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Williams, 2015).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Williams (2015)
PDF Document from a Website:
Reference Format and Example
Creator/Author, A. A. (Year). Title of document in italics [Format]. URL of website
Williams, T. (2015). U.S. history chapter 1 [PDF document]. http://www.ushistorysources.edu
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Williams, 2015).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Williams (2015)
Course PowerPoint Presentation File:
Reference Format and Example
Creator/Author, A. A. (Year). Title of document in italics [Format]. Course code - Section code. https://mycampus.aiu-online.com
Williams, T. (2015). U.S. history chapter 1 [PowerPoint]. BUSN105-1501-B-01. https://mycampus.aiu-online.com
Note: Use this same URL for all course docs. It doesn't need to be a URL from the browser window.
In-text Citation Format and Example
Parenthetical citation: (Last Name, Year).
(Williams, 2015).
Narrative citation: Last Name (Year)
Williams (2015)
Note: This is only for PDF files that are not for books or articles.
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