How do I use a source that is quoted in another source?


If you are referencing information in one source that is being quoted from another source you should try to get the original source that the information came from. If you cannot, you should introduce the original author of the information and, in the in-text citation, include the phrase ‘as cited in’ for the source that you retrieved it from. For example: let us assume that I wanted to use a quotation that I found in Hamilton’s book, but Hamilton was quoting it from a different book by Stephens.

Parenthetical citation:

“Citing sources is essential to the ongoing scholarly dialog” (Stephens; as cited in Hamilton, 2015, p. 102).

Narrative citation: 

Stephens (as cited in Hamilton, 2015) argues that “citing sources is essential to the ongoing scholarly dialog” (p. 102).


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  • Last Updated Sep 23, 2024
  • Views 84
  • Answered By Tabitha Dillon

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