In-text Citation Examples
Author Unknown
Note: If no author is provided for a journal article or source whose title is typed without italics in your reference list, use a short version of the title, within double quotation marks:
Parenthetical citation: “Citation is a task that is essential to scholarly writing” (“Citing Things,” 2012, p. 3).
Narrative citation: According to "Citing Things" (2012) “Citation is a task that is essential to scholarly writing” (p. 3).
Note: If no author is provided for a whole item e.g., a book, periodical, etc., where the title is italicized in your references list, italicize the short version of the title.
Parenthetical citation: "Caesarian births have the potential to result in long term health problems" (The Pregnancy Handbook, n.d., p. 44).
Narrative citation: According to The Pregnancy Handbook (n.d.) "Caesarian births have the potential to result in long term health problems" (p. 44).
Publication Date Unknown
Note: If no publication date is provided – use n.d. instead of the date. This stands for ‘no date’.
Parenthetical citation: "Caesarian births have the potential to result in long term health problems" (The Pregnancy Handbook, n.d., p. 44).
Narrative citation: According to The Pregnancy Handbook (n.d.) "Caesarian births have the potential to result in long term health problems" (p. 44).
Source with No Page Numbers
Note: If the source does not have page numbers, use the Section name, Heading name or paragraph no (para. #).
Note: You can also use a combination of Head name, para. #; or Section name, para. #
Parenthetical citation: Scholarly references and citations are important to establishing a scholarly dialog in any given field (Donaldson, 2016, Scholarly Dialog section, para. 12-14).
Narrative citation: According to Donaldson (2016), scholarly references and citations are important to establishing a scholarly dialog in any given field (Scholarly Dialog section, para. 12-14).
Source with 2 Authors
Note: If you are acknowledging two authors parenthetically in-text, separate their names with an ampersand (&):
Parenthetical citation: “Citation is a task that is essential to scholarly writing” (Carter & Blank, 2012, p. 3).
Note If you are acknowledging two authors narratively in-text, separate their names with the word "and" spelled out.
Narrative citation: Carter and Blank (2012) note that “Citation is a task that is essential to scholarly writing” (p. 3).
Source with 3+ Authors
Note: If your source has 3 or more authors, write the last name of the first author, followed by "et. al." (and others).
Parenthetical citation: "Through time management behavior, goal-directed activities should be easily implemented, even if the deadline is still in the distant future” (Hafner et al., 2014, p. 3).
Narrative citation: According to Hafner et al. (2014) "Through time management behavior, goal-directed activities should be easily implemented, even if the deadline is still in the distant future”.(p. 3).
Author is an Organization
Note: If the author is an organization, you can abbreviate the name if it is long, or if you are citing from it 3 or more times..
Note: The first time you cite the source, use the full name followed by the abbreviation. Subsequently, use the abbreviation only.
Parenthetical citation: "Citation is a task that is essential to scholarly writing” (American Library Association [ALA], 2012, p. 3).
Narrative citation: According to the American Library Association (ALA, 2012), "Citation is a task that is essential to scholarly writing” (p. 3).
Two or More Works Within the Same Citation
Note: If you reference two or more works within the same parenthetical in-text citation, separate the authors using a semi-colon.
Note: Arrange the authors alphabetically, to mirror the order in which they will appear in your references.
Parenthetical citation: (Carter, 2012; Davidson, 2000; Mason 2022).
2 Authors with Same Last Name in the Same Citation
Note: If you reference two authors with the same last name, include their first initials.
Parenthetical citation: (D. Carter, 2012; S. Carter, 2000).
Multiple Works, Same Author, Same Publication Year
Note: If you reference two works by the same author, published in the same year, add a lower case letter to the date.
Parenthetical citation: (Green 2022a, 2022b, 2022c).
Narrative citation: According to Green (2022a) the following . . .
Indirect Sources – Citing Information Quoted from Another Source
Note: If you are referencing information in one source that is being quoted from another source you should try to get the original source that the information came from. If you cannot, you should introduce the original author of the information and, in the in-text citation, include the phrase ‘as cited in’ for the source that you retrieved it from.
Example: Let us assume that I wanted to use a quotation that I found in Hamilton’s book, but Hamilton was quoting it from a different book by Stephens.
Parenthetical citation: "Citing sources is essential to the ongoing scholarly dialog” (Stephens, as cited in Hamilton, 2015, p. 112).
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