In-Text Citation Rules
In-text citations are a brief acknowledgement, within the body of your work, of the source/s that you took information from. Any item that is cited in-text must have a corresponding reference list entry.
APA System of In-Text Citation
The APA uses the Author-Date system of in-text citation.
Parenthetical citation: (Smith, 2020)
Narrative citation: Smith (2020)
Parenthetical and Narrative Citations
Note: In-text citations can be parenthetical, i.e., added after the information taken from a source
Parenthetical citation: Using grounded theory, a researcher looks at actions taken within a period of time (Martin, 2020)
Note: In-text citations can be narrative, i.e., included as part of your sentence
Narrative citation: Martin (2020) states that, using grounded theory, a researcher looks at actions taken within a period of time
Note: Include the last name of the author/s, the publication year, and the page or paragraph number/s.
Parenthetical citation: “The interview protocol enables a person to take notes during the interview about the responses of the interviewee” (Creswell, 2013, p. 168).
Narrative citation: According to Creswell (2013) “The interview protocol enables a person to take notes during the interview about the responses of the interviewee” (p. 168).
Quotation Overlapping Two Pages
Note: If the information from your quote overlaps two pages, include both page numbers separated by an en dash, and use pp., instead of p.
Parenthetical citation: “The identification of ‘patterns’ or themes is central to ethnographic writing” (Creswell, 2013, pp. 233–234).
Narrative citation: Creswell (2013) notes that “the identification of ‘patterns’ or themes is central to ethnographic writing” (pp. 233–234)
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