What to do when a source has an organization or company as an author



  • If an item has a group author e.g., a company name, use that name as the author.
  • If the name is long, you can abbreviate it, but the first time you cite from it, use the full name of the group, followed by the abbreviation. Subsequently, use the abbreviation.
  • In the references, use only the full name of the group or company


Reference Format and Examples

Group Name. (Year). Title of the item in italics. URL

World Health Organization. (2024). Water, sanitation and hygiene and infection prevention and control measures for infectious diarrhoea in health-care settings: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240098985


In-Text Format and Examples

Note: If the name is long, you can abbreviate it, but the first time you cite from it, use the full name of the group, followed by the abbreviation. Subsequently, use the abbreviation.

Parenthetical citation: (Organization Full Name [Abbreviation], Year)

(World Health Organization [WHO], 2024)

(WHO, 2024)

Narrative citation: Organization Full Name (Abbreviation, Year)

World Health Organization (WHO, 2024)

WHO (2024)


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  • Last Updated Sep 23, 2024
  • Views 114
  • Answered By Tabitha Dillon

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