The example says to use a page number, which page # do I use?
When you are citing information from a source in your paragraph, you must include an in-text citation. In-text citations for quotations require the page number of the information that you are quoting. Although the APA does not require a page number for a paraphrase, they recommend adding one to help a reader find information in a long or complex work.
So if you are quoting or otherwise including information from the third page of an article, you would type in p. 3 to show that it comes from the third page. If the information came from pages three and four, you would use pp., instead of p., and you would separate the page numbers with an en dash (pp. 3-4).
If your source does not have page numbers, you could use a paragraph number instead. If the paragraphs are not numbered for you, you can count them manually. Abbreviate the word paragraph to para.
If you are citing a longer document, with headings or sections, you can use the heading name or the section name. You can also combine heading/section name and paragraph number e.g., (Williams, 2012, Musical Instruments section, para. 3).
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