How do I use Microsoft Office Products on my mobile device / phone?


  1. Open the Google Play Store/Apple App Store
  2. Search and download the following applications:
    • Microsoft Word
    • Microsoft Excel
    • Microsoft PowerPoint
    • Microsoft Outlook
    • Microsoft OneNote (if available)
  3. Launch one of the downloaded MS Applications
  4. Once loaded, tap “Sign in”.
  5. Note: Activation is required to edit documents.
  6. Enter your student email address and tap next.
  7. Enter your Virtual Campus password and tap Sign in.
  8. Tap “Blank document” to open a new document under New pane. Otherwise, tap “Open other documents” and choose the storage location to open the desired file.
  • Last Updated May 06, 2020
  • Views 101
  • Answered By Tabitha Dillon

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