Thank you for reaching out. On the AIU APA Guide, you can get rules for APA citation including searching examples of how to cite different types of resources, as shown below:
Generally, you will need the following information for a website citation:
- Article title
- Publication year
- URL of the web page
- Author of the web article
If you do not have a publication date, you can put in (n.d.) in place of the year. This stands for 'no date'. If you have no author listed, you can start the citation with the title of the article instead, as shown in the example linked above.
I hope this helps. You're doing a great job in trying to cite your sources and give credit where it's due. This is an important part of avoiding plagiarism, is important for getting good grades on many assignments, and helps to give credit to people who originally published information. Please let me know if you have any further questions!