Answered By: Tabitha Dillon
Last Updated: May 07, 2022     Views: 17

Hello _,

Thank you for reaching out. I’d be happy to help you with APA. On most of our databases, and within the Find Articles and eBooks search box, you can click on a Cite button to get an APA citation (shown below). The exact appearance and naming of this icon will depend on the database you’re using but they’re usually to the top-right of the item. This example citation usually needs some formatting, but is otherwise mostly accurate.

The Learning Center has tools to search for APA citation examples, for example, here is one on citing magazine articles. To cite an item, you will generally need the title of the article, the authors’ names, the publication date, and the information of the publication it was published in – which usually includes the title as well as volume and issue number for magazines and journals. You will also need to include the doi (listed on the citation or article information page) if it has one listed, or the web URL if you found the article on a public internet website. You won’t have to worry about the URL for articles from AIU’s library databases.

Using the cite button should give you all of this information and then you just may have to tweak the formatting a bit. You’ll also need to note the page number for any information you use from the source, for your in-text citations. I’ve included some more resources below.

APA LibGuide

In-Text Citation

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions,